A downloadable Knock Out Game! for Windows

You were driving to your home but heard a strange sound from inside the forest so you decided to check it out ALONE.

And you get kidnapped by an invisible being.

Now you must try to escape, but stay hidden because you are not alone, an entity is walking around... it's... a moving box?

Do not get Knocked Out by the KnockOut Box.


KnockOutBox.exe 138 MB


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Gameplay provided, interesting game and potential that reminds me much of It Steals (In a good way) 

Gave it an LP, will release gameplay soon, wanted to say quickly that I thought it was a good entry for a 'first horror attempt', clearly inspired largely from IT STEALS - I did enjoy that game by Zeekers, and its a good way of starting off, arguably. Simple, but effective like IT STEALS. Keep it up, Smile, if you like horror, don't lose face and hopefully you continue enjoying to make horror.

Video will come later w/ commentary/feedback.

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Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I will watch the video when it's out.

Was this made in forward render ? or compatibility mode ? 


Also thank you for commenting.

Did you like my game?

I ,,,, did not . My computer cant render it . I would need compatibility mode . ( im one of dem poor dudes with a old laptop ) But I will get to your game once I get a new machine . 

(1 edit)

Understandable, wish you luck.

Pro tip: You can launch most of Godot games in compatibility mode yourself if you don't have Vulkan.

Most of games will probably look worse, but still should be playable unless something crucial in game logic is depending on rendering.

To launch this game (or most Godot games in general) in compatibility mode just:

  1. Download game and save in desired location
  2. Open folder containing .exe file and in file explorer address bar type 'cmd' and press enter
  3. In command line run game with command: 'KnockOutBox.exe --rendering-method gl_compatibility'
  4. Game should be launched in compatibility mode.

Oh nice , thanx Glyph , I just tried it. Yea that will help when I check out other games since most require vulcan .