Update V2.0

-The game has been entirely remade. All objects in map were placed all over again. [For technical reasons, in the original version, all collisions and meshes were in one file, which is a mess, now each object has their own seperate file so it can be easier to edit and access for later]

- Environments are a bit different, but are still very close to the original.

- You can know open and close cabinets and closets.

- You no longer read notes in environment, you can click on them to read them in a clean page.

- Added a few new environment sounds

- The AI of the box is a bit different now, originally when the rage started it targeted you for half a second. Now it stands in it's place and growls and then rage begins. The box is also faster now (not in the final chase)

- The music of rage mode has been changed.

- The final chase is a bit longer

- Some new additions that you will find in game.

- You can now see how many keys you exactly need based on the locks on the door.


-  Better more immersive cutscenes, you can skip entirely by pressing Q, or watch with patience by pressing E.

- Originally I wanted the mannequins white, but eventually I found them a bit odd, being clean white in this environment started to look out of place. So they are brown now.

- Removed some of the vessels, such as the tooth, the green guy and the ball. (They have names but I'm not sure if I want to publish them for now)

- Some of the keys now randomly generate, Some stay in their exact place without change.

- The alive carpet no longer makes noise.

- The game over screens by the KnockOut Box are now silence, because it hits harder.

- Some soundeffect now have a echo reverb effect.

- The textures are higher quality. Some ugly textures were also fixed.

- The knock out box now uses it's original texture, in the previous released versions it used a new wood texture to make it look darker, but I decided to reverse that and use it's original bright wood texture.


KNOCKOUT Box V2.0.exe 104 MB
Jul 29, 2024


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